A lesson focusing on composition, form, and evaluation through a group compositional project using collected samples of "found sounds".
The following lesson plans each highlight a different tech resource as well as a different level of the SAMR model. These lessons are to be viewed as examples for how to integrate various tech tools into the elementary music classroom experience in an engaging and meaningful way. The lessons can and should be adjusted to fit a teacher’s particular learning environment: number of devices, number of students, and abilities and learning styles of students.
Although each lesson makes use of a different technology resource, the main focus of the tech-minded music educator should be the learning processes, student learning objectives, and musicianship skills and tasks associated with each lesson. With this in mind, each lesson includes a checklist of related 2014 Music Standards by NAfME (National Association for Music Education), a list of behavior objectives, links to assessments, technology tips, and possible extensions.
A lesson focusing on composition, form, and evaluation through a group compositional project using collected samples of "found sounds".
A lesson focusing on demonstrating understanding of the 12-bar blues form through performance and composition using a combination of audio loops and digital instruments.
A lesson focusing on composition using solfège and the Do Pentatonic scale as well as purposeful compositional choices to convey expressive intent.
A lesson focusing on developing rhythmic skills such as reading notation, performing notation on instruments, identifying performed rhythm patterns, and composing rhythmic patterns.
A lesson focusing on composition, form, texture, and expression using the Osmo platform, Osmo Coding Jam game and coding block manipulatives.
A lesson focusing on student synthesis of melodic and rhythmic understanding of a familiar song through student performance and discussion using a digital portfolio format.
A lesson focusing on developing rhythmic skills such as dictation and composition through a student-friendly and fun interactive website.
A lesson focusing on instruments of the orchestra using QR codes to as links to excerpts from Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf.